$100 donation to WIN to enter (fundraising options available).
Winner of the W.I.N. Song of the Year will receive:
- The opportunity to sing their song on stage at the Mrs. Globe® pageant 2026 (location TBA)
- One night hotel stay at the event
- Red Carpet experience.
- A professional video will be created to highlight your experience with the song contest, and an amazing W.I.N. song prize package.
- Your song will also be featured in all social media and Reclaiming Me reels and posts for the year once it has been professionally recorded.
Thank you for submitting the W.I.N. Song of the Year Form!
Your request has been received.
To complete the registration; click on the button below for payment. NOTE: If you are a delegate or Alumni and wish to host a fundraiser contact the Mrs. Globe® Fundraiser Manager.